Wednesday, March 2, 2011

{LQ} 110301 Henry's Talk Part

Legend: [] captions, () notes, tn. translator’s note
LSG (Lee Seunggi), KHD (Kang Hodong)

KHD: Next, from Canada, it’s Super Junior’s secret weapon!
[Super Junior M charming secret weapon!]
KHD: I present to you, Super Junior M’s Henry!
[Suju like men]
[Shocking title! ㅡ Suju like men!]
LSG: Oh the topic is.. suju like men!

Henry: Ah, men.. in Korea, men are like this to each other, they hold hands, ‘Oh omo you did well’..
[Korean men lightly touch each other or put their arms around each other's shoulders!]
Henry: Well.. like this, this kind of things is thought of as ordinary.
[It's a manifestation of closeness in Korea!]
Henry: But overseas if you hug like this between men, or what else.. if you hold their hand walking like this, it’s TOTALLY just.. they think of it as weird!
[100% foreigner, it was shocking to Henry!]
LSG: Oh, so they think they like men?
[Overseas, it may lead to the misconception of being gay!]
Henry: Yes. So..
[About his first meeting with the suju hyungs?]
Henry: When I first came to Korea, when I met the hyungs, in the waiting room they would carelessly hit my butt harshly! And they’d be like “WOW HENLI! Blahblahblah~”!
[Welcoming Henry the foreigner starting from a butt-greeting!]
Henry: Or also hold— sit—– they would HUG me like this. (tn. he started off using the correct word, then he changed his sentence and made a mess, and then he finally used the English word “hug”, which is also used in Korean)
[Hyungs welcoming him with hugs too]
Henry: So back then I was like “WOW! Just.. woh!”, I thought they were all gay!
[I thought everybody in Super Junior was gay!]
[Henry who got a big shock on his first meeting!]
KHD: Who would hit your butt?
[Who on earth hit his butt?]
Henry: Teukie hyung REALLY hit it A LOT!
[The core of all misunderstandings Leader Leeteuk!]
Henry: Well, this butt-slapping thing was okay to some extent but suddenly, going to the waiting room..
[He got accustomed to the butt-greeting shortly after, but?]
[More surprising incidents?]
Henry: I looked nearby and there was Kim Heechul.. (tn. he forgets to add the “hyung” honorific, which is kinda disrespectful lol ♥ so everybody laughs at him because of that)
[First meeting with Space Superstar Kim Heechul!]
Henry: At that time..
[Handsome Heechul with long hair!]
Henry: His hair was long and I was like “Wow, that’s totally.. I thought he could possibly be a trans. Trans!”
LSG: Transgender?
[Agh, seeing Kim Heechul as a transgender!]
Henry: I meant transgender! So back then it was really hard on me..
[A big misunderstanding due to Heechul's pretty looks!]
LSG: Ooh because you thought he looked pretty with that long hair!
Henry: Yes, yes.
KHD: What was your misconception of Shindong?
[Seeing Shindong, what kind of misunderstanding was there?]
Henry: Oh just.. he was the nicest.
[Completely fearless]
[That he was the nicest!]
(tn. I am pretty sure he didn’t hear or understand the word 오해, which means “misconception/misunderstanding” and Kang Hodong said it really quickly; he probably REALLY meant to say that Shindong was the nicest.. the tone of his voice sounded really earnest. Just my thought though ^^ ..maybe he is really a little viper like Kyuhyun~)
[There's no way of misunderstanding Kim Heechul and his complete opposite!]
Eunhyuk: Really, the culture is rather different, I had the same experience as Henry, really..
[Eunhyuk too, a culture shock seeing Henry?]
Eunhyuk: As soon as he first met Lee Sooman sunsaengnim, he used the wrong words with him.
[Wrong words incident on his first meeting with Lee Sooman President of the Agency?]
[What did he say?]
Eunhyuk: And it’s still difficult for me, REALLY!
[But it's still difficult for the sunbae who debuted 7 years ago!]
Shindong: Me too, when I see him– oh, sunsaengnim came out, “Hello!”
Eunhyuk: Really, doing a 90 degree bow.
Shindong: But when Henry ssi first met him, what did you do?
[Henry's first meeting with CEO Lee Sooman?]
Henry: I didn’t know who he was, so I just.. was like “Hey who’s that person?”, “Oh SM’s boss!”
[SM's Boss?]
Henry: “Aah I see”, “Oh, Mr. Lee?”
[Informal(?) HELLO~ Mister Lee (Lee ssi...)]
Eunhyuk: He really did that!
[Agh!] [Lee ssi, hello?]
(tn. I’m sure you all know by now that Henry was supposed to bow to Lee Sooman and say 안녕하세요Hello ㅡ he was not supposed to say “Mister Lee” because that’s not formal enough; they all call him “sunsaengnim”, which means “teacher” and it has the suffix -nim, which is a honorific. Also, he pronounces the “L” in “Lee”, which is actually supposed to be “silent” like in 이특 Leeteuk / Eeteuk)
Henry: The conversation was like “Nice to meet you! (tn. in English) Ah, uh, b-b-business card— if you have a business card, if you give it to me, I will contact you.” That’s what I did!
[All the surrounding members are flustered!]
KHD: And now? What do you call him now?
Henry: Now, I’m still all~ “Oh, Mr. Lee!”
[Still in English, Mister Lee~]
Henry: Because I had been doing that since the first time! So uh, Mr. Kang~! (tn. to Kang Hodong)
[Mister Kang (Kang ssi!)]
[Henry Come on! Enraged Kang ssi!]
[Hey Henry, you must never go there~!]
[Culture shock, I knew he was kidding~]
KHD: Because he doesn’t know, yes!
LSG: Yes, because he doesn’t know!
LSG: But what did Lee Sooman sunsaengnim say when you called him Mr. Lee?
[Mister Lee... CEO Lee Sooman's reaction?]
Eunhyuk: Really awkwardly “Fine, because after all we’re all friends~~~” (tn. perfectly imitating Lee Sooman’s voice)
[Mister Lee: Fine, because after all we're all friends~]
[Super Junior M Henry, a great deal of trouble to become a Korean man!]
[Wheel of Fortune VS Suju like men]
[Surprised again by his first taste of punishment on Korean Entertainment!]
☆★ Translated by. GAIA @pastakyu ㅡ SJ-WORLD.NET
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Take it from ::

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