Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kangin in Army - Interview

他说: 爱着SuperJunior还有我 强仁 一等兵金英云的fan们, 我很想见你们. 我不会当一个虚度光阴光傻等的人, 回到你们的身边的时候我会是一个不会让你们丢脸 也不会脸红的 会以健康的样子回去的. 在那之前我会把我该做的都做好. 能继续等待我的话就好了.

“He said: The fans who deeply love Super Junior and me, be it as Kangin or top soldier Kim Youngwoon, I really want to see you all. I will not be someone who will let time slip by like an idiot – when I return to your side I will become somebody who will never let you down or humiliate you, instead I will return with a healthy image. Before that happens, I will continue to do what I am supposed to, and if you could wait for me then that will be good.”

强仁: 因为我伤害了喜欢我的人们, 还让我的家人还有所有爱我的人失望了, 我做了很多反省. 我该如何再次成为让他们自豪的人呢, 我每天都是抱着这个想法入睡的.

“Kangin: Because I have hurt the people who like me and have even disappointed my family and those who love me, I have done a lot of reflecting. “How can I become someone who they’ll be proud of again?”, those where the kind of thoughts I have everyday as I go to sleep.”

Cr : ROK Army Webzine & HYWC 2011
Re-uploaded by: uketsu5 @ Youtube
Some Korean to Chinese Translation by: Pyschochan (Weibo)
Chinese to English Translation by: Tiff @
Please take out with full credits.

Caps below…

Take it from ::

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