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Sunday, March 27, 2011
110325 SSTP Official Pic Update
credit: MBC
110325 Which idols do the middle-aged ladies love the most?
The program surveyed 300 women, all between the ages of 40-60 years, and asked, “Who is the top idol?” Through this survey, the ajummas were able to show that idol-love wasn’t just restricted to teenagers and young adults.
Here are the full results from the survey:
< Idol groups >
2. Big Bang
4. Super Junior
5. 2AM
6. B2ST
7. 2PM
< Idol members >
1. Yoona (SNSD)
2. Jo Kwon (2AM0
3. Yuri (SNSD)
4. Leeteuk (Super Junior)
5. Nichkhun (2PM)
6. Daesung (Big Bang)
7. TOP (Big Bang)
8. Ga-In (Brown Eyed Girls)
9. Shindong (Super Junior)
10. Seohyun (SNSD)
11. Sunny (SNSD)
12. Taeyeon (SNSD)
13. IU
14. Minho (SHINee)
15. Goo Hara (KARA)
16. Boram (T-ara)
17. Nicole (KARA)
18. U-know Yunho (TVXQ)
19. Park Gyuri (KARA)
20. Kahi (After School)
21. Jessica (SNSD)
22. Seungri (Big Bang)
23. Changmin (TVXQ)
24. Sohee (Wonder Girls)
25. Taecyeon (2PM)
26. UEE (After School)
27. Taeyang (Big Bang)
28. Heechul (Super Junior)
CR: allkpop
110322 Eunhyuk talks about Luna on Strong Heart
f(x)’s Luna revealed her feelings about being teased for her toned thigh muscles.
On the March 22nd episode of SBS’s “Strong Heart“, Luna said that she liked her healthy image, yet hated her ‘muscle-idol’ nickname. She explained, “When you search ‘Luna’, words such as horse thigh, horse muscle, and Wayne Loona come up. It’s because my thigh muscles are very toned“.
At this, Super Junior’s Eunhyuk showed a picture of Luna and her toned thigh muscles. He then elaborated by telling a gym story about Luna.
He said, “I go to the same gym as Luna. One day, I was getting trained by my personal trainer and when I was doing the leg press, I barely pushed 120kg. But Luna was able to push 320kg of weights pretty easily“.
To shed her ‘horse muscle’ title, Luna also brought her own picture which showed off her pretty legs. After seeing the picture, MC Kang Ho Dong asked her if she had photoshopped it, and she confessed, “Very little…I fixed it very little“, making the entire audience laugh.
CR: Tvdaily via nate + translated by allkpop
Saturday, March 19, 2011
[Me2day] Key Update 110318
[Key] 핑크사진은 보너스!!!! 하하 저 곳에 요구르트를 얼리면 정말 맛있는 아이스크림을 드실슈있슴당!
[Key] pink photo bonus!!!! haha if you make yoghurt at that place, then you will get to eat really delicious ice cream!
Shared by weraeshining (WRS)
translate by tohxinrong @ weareshining
Thursday, March 10, 2011
SECRET & SuJu’s Heechul responds to accusations of ’self-plagiarism’
The girls performed “Magic” and “Madonna” in a hit track battle against SISTAR. Afterwards, they were asked by the MCs,“Aren’t they both the same song? Even the choreography is the same. What exactly is different about them?”
Sunhwa explained, “Both songs are the works of the same composer. The choreography is also the same.” When asked by MC Kim Gura about whether she was embarrassed at all by the similarities, Sunhwa replied, “Not at all. We thought of it as our own unique color, so we were very proud.”
The talk of ’self plagiarism’ then shifted attention over to MC Super Junior’s Kim Heechul. The idol MC was asked about the similarities between “Sorry Sorry” and “Bonamana,” to which he confessed, “Both tracks were composed by Yoo Young Jin. ‘Sorry Sorry’ was #1 on the Taiwanese charts for 38 weeks in a row, so ‘Bonamana’ was like an extension of ‘Sorry Sorry.’”
Since MC Yoon Jong Shin is also a composer, he was asked to share his thoughts on the issue. “It’s their own song so it shouldn’t be a problem. I do think that they consciously composed it like that since the previous track had done so well.”
Source: TV Report via Nate; AllKPop
Take it from::
Kangin in Army - Interview
他说: 爱着SuperJunior还有我 强仁 一等兵金英云的fan们, 我很想见你们. 我不会当一个虚度光阴光傻等的人, 回到你们的身边的时候我会是一个不会让你们丢脸 也不会脸红的 会以健康的样子回去的. 在那之前我会把我该做的都做好. 能继续等待我的话就好了.
“He said: The fans who deeply love Super Junior and me, be it as Kangin or top soldier Kim Youngwoon, I really want to see you all. I will not be someone who will let time slip by like an idiot – when I return to your side I will become somebody who will never let you down or humiliate you, instead I will return with a healthy image. Before that happens, I will continue to do what I am supposed to, and if you could wait for me then that will be good.”
强仁: 因为我伤害了喜欢我的人们, 还让我的家人还有所有爱我的人失望了, 我做了很多反省. 我该如何再次成为让他们自豪的人呢, 我每天都是抱着这个想法入睡的.
“Kangin: Because I have hurt the people who like me and have even disappointed my family and those who love me, I have done a lot of reflecting. “How can I become someone who they’ll be proud of again?”, those where the kind of thoughts I have everyday as I go to sleep.”
Cr : ROK Army Webzine & HYWC 2011
Re-uploaded by: uketsu5 @ Youtube
Some Korean to Chinese Translation by: Pyschochan (Weibo)
Chinese to English Translation by: Tiff @
Please take out with full credits.
Caps below…
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
{LQ} 110301 Henry's Talk Part
Legend: [] captions, () notes, tn. translator’s note
LSG (Lee Seunggi), KHD (Kang Hodong)
KHD: Next, from Canada, it’s Super Junior’s secret weapon!
[Super Junior M charming secret weapon!]
KHD: I present to you, Super Junior M’s Henry!
[Suju like men]
[Shocking title! ㅡ Suju like men!]
LSG: Oh the topic is.. suju like men!
Henry: Ah, men.. in Korea, men are like this to each other, they hold hands, ‘Oh omo you did well’..
[Korean men lightly touch each other or put their arms around each other's shoulders!]
Henry: Well.. like this, this kind of things is thought of as ordinary.
[It's a manifestation of closeness in Korea!]
Henry: But overseas if you hug like this between men, or what else.. if you hold their hand walking like this, it’s TOTALLY just.. they think of it as weird!
[100% foreigner, it was shocking to Henry!]
LSG: Oh, so they think they like men?
[Overseas, it may lead to the misconception of being gay!]
Henry: Yes. So..
[About his first meeting with the suju hyungs?]
Henry: When I first came to Korea, when I met the hyungs, in the waiting room they would carelessly hit my butt harshly! And they’d be like “WOW HENLI! Blahblahblah~”!
[Welcoming Henry the foreigner starting from a butt-greeting!]
Henry: Or also hold— sit—– they would HUG me like this. (tn. he started off using the correct word, then he changed his sentence and made a mess, and then he finally used the English word “hug”, which is also used in Korean)
[Hyungs welcoming him with hugs too]
Henry: So back then I was like “WOW! Just.. woh!”, I thought they were all gay!
[I thought everybody in Super Junior was gay!]
[Henry who got a big shock on his first meeting!]
KHD: Who would hit your butt?
[Who on earth hit his butt?]
Henry: Teukie hyung REALLY hit it A LOT!
[The core of all misunderstandings Leader Leeteuk!]
Henry: Well, this butt-slapping thing was okay to some extent but suddenly, going to the waiting room..
[He got accustomed to the butt-greeting shortly after, but?]
[More surprising incidents?]
Henry: I looked nearby and there was Kim Heechul.. (tn. he forgets to add the “hyung” honorific, which is kinda disrespectful lol ♥ so everybody laughs at him because of that)
[First meeting with Space Superstar Kim Heechul!]
Henry: At that time..
[Handsome Heechul with long hair!]
Henry: His hair was long and I was like “Wow, that’s totally.. I thought he could possibly be a trans. Trans!”
LSG: Transgender?
[Agh, seeing Kim Heechul as a transgender!]
Henry: I meant transgender! So back then it was really hard on me..
[A big misunderstanding due to Heechul's pretty looks!]
LSG: Ooh because you thought he looked pretty with that long hair!
Henry: Yes, yes.
KHD: What was your misconception of Shindong?
[Seeing Shindong, what kind of misunderstanding was there?]
Henry: Oh just.. he was the nicest.
[Completely fearless]
[That he was the nicest!]
(tn. I am pretty sure he didn’t hear or understand the word 오해, which means “misconception/misunderstanding” and Kang Hodong said it really quickly; he probably REALLY meant to say that Shindong was the nicest.. the tone of his voice sounded really earnest. Just my thought though ^^ ..maybe he is really a little viper like Kyuhyun~)
[There's no way of misunderstanding Kim Heechul and his complete opposite!]
Eunhyuk: Really, the culture is rather different, I had the same experience as Henry, really..
[Eunhyuk too, a culture shock seeing Henry?]
Eunhyuk: As soon as he first met Lee Sooman sunsaengnim, he used the wrong words with him.
[Wrong words incident on his first meeting with Lee Sooman President of the Agency?]
[What did he say?]
Eunhyuk: And it’s still difficult for me, REALLY!
[But it's still difficult for the sunbae who debuted 7 years ago!]
Shindong: Me too, when I see him– oh, sunsaengnim came out, “Hello!”
Eunhyuk: Really, doing a 90 degree bow.
Shindong: But when Henry ssi first met him, what did you do?
[Henry's first meeting with CEO Lee Sooman?]
Henry: I didn’t know who he was, so I just.. was like “Hey who’s that person?”, “Oh SM’s boss!”
[SM's Boss?]
Henry: “Aah I see”, “Oh, Mr. Lee?”
[Informal(?) HELLO~ Mister Lee (Lee ssi...)]
Eunhyuk: He really did that!
[Agh!] [Lee ssi, hello?]
(tn. I’m sure you all know by now that Henry was supposed to bow to Lee Sooman and say 안녕하세요Hello ㅡ he was not supposed to say “Mister Lee” because that’s not formal enough; they all call him “sunsaengnim”, which means “teacher” and it has the suffix -nim, which is a honorific. Also, he pronounces the “L” in “Lee”, which is actually supposed to be “silent” like in 이특 Leeteuk / Eeteuk)
Henry: The conversation was like “Nice to meet you! (tn. in English) Ah, uh, b-b-business card— if you have a business card, if you give it to me, I will contact you.” That’s what I did!
[All the surrounding members are flustered!]
KHD: And now? What do you call him now?
Henry: Now, I’m still all~ “Oh, Mr. Lee!”
[Still in English, Mister Lee~]
Henry: Because I had been doing that since the first time! So uh, Mr. Kang~! (tn. to Kang Hodong)
[Mister Kang (Kang ssi!)]
[Henry Come on! Enraged Kang ssi!]
[Hey Henry, you must never go there~!]
[Culture shock, I knew he was kidding~]
KHD: Because he doesn’t know, yes!
LSG: Yes, because he doesn’t know!
LSG: But what did Lee Sooman sunsaengnim say when you called him Mr. Lee?
[Mister Lee... CEO Lee Sooman's reaction?]
Eunhyuk: Really awkwardly “Fine, because after all we’re all friends~~~” (tn. perfectly imitating Lee Sooman’s voice)
[Mister Lee: Fine, because after all we're all friends~]
[Super Junior M Henry, a great deal of trouble to become a Korean man!]
[Wheel of Fortune VS Suju like men]
[Surprised again by his first taste of punishment on Korean Entertainment!]
☆★ Translated by. GAIA @pastakyu ㅡ SJ-WORLD.NET
If taking out, please have some respect and include the credits. it’s easy.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
110226 SHINderella & Prince Charming Eunhyuk
Cr: @kangshimjang